Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Mountain Viewing from Inside/Outside

I opened my eyes this morning and realized I could see a mountain without even stirring from my bed.  The trees are so thinned out now that views have opened up where they were only hinted at before.  At top left is what we can see when we look toward the west in the direction of sunset and moonset at around 7:00 in the morning.  The mountain face reflects the eastern light and stands out as a glow behind the evergreens.

At bottom left is my old friend, Jones Mountain, the source of the fierce winds that howl down our street on nights like tonight.  This view is from our front door window at a little after sunset.  Since we live halfway up the mountain, it doesn't look like much more than a big hill, a nice feng shui cushion.  The label should say SOUTH, not north.  We live on the north face.

On the right at the top is the north view (not the south, as the label says), out our kitchen window, at sunset when the mountains to the north are reflecting the apricot glow from the sunset.  Below is my favorite, the east view, where the moon and the sun both rise.  Tonight's almost full moon floats up like a big fat balloon.  We can just barely see this view from my studio window.  For a better view we walk down to the fence in our backyard.
The mountain sunrise above was taken by Jacob last Wednesday morning at Beaver Lake in North Asheville.  See his blog to learn more about this photo and especially to see more of his work.

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